The box that the piglets came in held them together snugly as piglets prefer. We took turns feeding all of them.
Well, if you weren’t invited, please don’t feel offended. It was a very impromptu party. We were just ready to sit down to a wonderful dinner of roasted chicken, asparagus pasta, roasted cauliflower, steamed asparagus and raisin filled cookies, when Isaac came into the house with seven little “piggy’s” in a box. They were just hours old. The momma chose to deliver her babies under the open sky as the rain began. The cold rain sapped their energy and one was lost before Isaac found them. We turned off the oven, put our appetites on hold and dunked the chilled piglets into a tub of warm water to bring warmth to their bodies. Guests, Laura and Georgia Reese, were summoned early for barn chores, which began that night on the kitchen floor bottle feeding and cuddling piglets to bring up their body temperature. They also gave the hungry Hassingers a chance to eat. Thank you! A good time was had by all as you can see from the photos the party goers were fed and warmed. Late comers to the party, Stephanie Caldonis and sons Henry and Leo, said the party was quite a warm welcome to the farm. Thank you to the Reese Family, Caldonis Family, Ashley, Isaac, Levi Aurand and Hannah Felker for turning a near tragedy into a celebration. God has blessed us.
Never danced before? Have no fear get there early and join the first dance and the caller will walk us all through the basic moves together and you will be dancing in no time. Dress in layers you will shed when you are dancing but we keep the temp low so when you stop you may want to add a layer. You will never know how much fun it is until you try it.
Yes, Ellie is definitely getting stronger and healthier. Her hoof is almost returned to normal size. She has been treated for parasites and has one more treatment to go on Monday but yesterday she displayed her healthy condition when she saw me coming at meal time. Her enthusiasm got the best of her and she jumped the side of her pen like an athlete training for the hurdles. Let’s hope it was beginners luck and that she will have to train harder to get up and over again.
We have had quite a time with raccoons killing our guinea fowl, chickens, and hen turkey. We have taken precaution with Ellie to cover her pen at night. We have caught 15 raccoons in live traps and relocated them many miles from the farm. Ken wanted to make sure we were not relocating the same ones over and over so painted some tails. If you see a red tailed raccoon, keep him away from your small animals and corn.
In the goat pen, our black and white nanny gave birth to two adorable white kids. New life is such an uplifting part of farm life. Bye for now.