Mountain Dale Farm

A New Broom Sweeps Clean

A broom is used daily to sweep the hay to the horse and mule that they have tossed out of reach.  When Brynn and his family came to visit the farm the broom we used was in poor condition and did not do a good job. Fortunately, Christmas was close at hand and a new broom was found under the Christmas tree.   Brynn is a young man with a heart and a plan. Unaware of Santa’s gift, he returned to the farm a few months later with a sealed envelope.  His parents knew of the envelope but the contents were a secret even to them.  The envelope contained a note and $4.18.

Brynn’s hand written note.




















The money from Brynn’s generous gift was used to purchase a child size broom from the local broom maker, Clay Ewing.  The new broom has been used by many children who help feed the horse and mule.

Abe using the broom donated by Brynn.




















We want to publicly thank Brynn for his generosity and thoughtfulness.

Brynn (left) and his younger sister Leah (right) holding goats

